This page shows miscellaneous Williamson wills left in Richmond County, North Carolina, and includes the Last Will & Testament of Phebe Williamson of the State of Alabama, Dallas County written February 7th, 1889.
Source: North Carolina Archives - Richmond County Wills 1779-1915 - 082.801.12 Transcribed & Posted by Myrtle Bridges January 19th, 2000

The Nuncupative Will of Shadrick Williamson

July Session 1794. The verble (sic) will of Shadrick Williamson, deceast. Died the twenty’third day of January one thousand seven hundred and ninety four and on his deathbed divided his estate as follows. I do give to Easter Smith my mare and two cows and calves and one heffer (sic) and all my household furniture and working tools and all the home gang of hogs I likewise give to my brother Isaac Williamson all my land and all the rest of my stock of every kind. I also give to my nephew John Williamson one rifle gun. I also give to my nephew Thomas Williamson one man's saddle.

Shadrick Williamson acknowledged this above described to be his last will in the presants [sic] of John Teal & John Nelson

Last Will & Testament of Isaac Williamson

This will is from the research of James Williamson and submitted for this page by Freda Noble of Gualala, California.

1838. In the name of God, Amen. I, Isaac Williamson, Sr. of the county of Richmond and State of North Carolina, being of a sound and disposing mind and memory, thanks be to God for the same, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say: Unto my daughter (in-law) Cloe Williamson I give and bequeath the 100 acres wheron I now live, also my negro boy David, also all my house-hold and kitchen furniture of whatever nature of kind including the farming utensils, also all my stock of cattle, horses and hogs. Unto my daughter Rebecca Brown and her husband Daniel B. Brown I give and bequeath 50 acres of land granted to me 20 Dec 1791, joining his own lands and the widow Beasley, also 20 acres, part of which (.............................) land and also joins his own lands, also my negro man Drek and my negro woman Mint to hold to them and the heirs of said Rebecca's body forever.

To the use and for the maintenance of my daughter Mary Sneed during her natural life I give and bequeath my negro girl Charlotte and also 112 acres of land after the present lease of five years to Daniel Woodle expires and after my said daughter Mary's decease, I order the negro girl and her increaase to be sold as well as the land and the proceeds thereof to be equally divided her heirs.

Unto my son Wilson Williamson I give and bequeath 100 acres which I bought of Augustine Brigman on part of which he now lives. But Henly Sneed is not to remove from it till the expiration of the above mentioned 5 years lease to Daniel Woodle, after which time my said son Wilson is to have free, full and (......) possession of the 100acres. Also I give to my said son Wilson my negro man Dinnis.

Unto my son Isaac Williamson I give and bequeath 150 acres of land including my mills on Joe's Creek, being in two tracts, one of 100 bought of Stephen Mendinhall and the other of John Kelly and also my negro girl Sarah.

Unto my son John Williamson I give and bequeath 175 acres in two tracts, one containing 150 acres granted to Shadrack Williamson by (Novt) 1804 No. 1394, he other granted to Charles McLaen containing 25 acres bearing date 13th Dec 1798 No. 1033.

Unto the use and maintenance of my daughter Nancy Wright and her children I give my negro woman Courtnay and also 100 acres of land being the half of 200 acres granted to Starling Williams 3 Sep 1799 and after the death of my said daughter Nancy Wright, I order the said land and negro Courtnay and her increase to be equally divided among her (said Nancy's) children and their heirs forever.

Unto my daughter Sarah and her husband Hugh Brown I give and bequeath the 100 acre tract wheron they now live, granted to Enoch James, also my negro boy George.

Unto my son Thomas Williamson I give and bequeath 100 acres of land being the other half of a 200 acre tract granted to said Starling Williams to be divided between my said son Thomas and my daughter Nancy's children by a line drawn through its length of breadth as they may think proper. Also my negro woman Nell also the sum of $250 in money to be saved out of any of my property not otherwise specially hereby bequeathed.

Unto the children of my daughter Elizabeth Covington (deceased) I give and bequeath the negro man Peter which their father has for years past in his possession.

All the lands of which I may die seized and possessed and which are not already hereby bequeathed and disposed of I order to be sold at public sale on a reasonable credit to the highest bidder also my waggon and gear, stille and appurtenances, three guns, gig and harness and other articles not before mentioned or given to be likewise sold and equally divided among my three grandchildren: Washington, Selina, and Miranda Jane, and their heirs forever.

All the rest of my property of which I may die seized and possessed I order to be equally divided among my heirs. I nominate, constitute, and appoint Nathaniel Gibson, Sr., Samuel Goodwin, and Duncan McLaurin my Executors to carry this my last will and testament into effect and I hareby revoke, disannul all wills (.......) and bequests heretofore by me made pronouncing this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day of October A.D. 1836.

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Isaac Williamson, Sr as his last will and testament in the presence of us who in the presence of the Testator and of each other have here to subscribed our names as wittnesses: ATTEST: Stafford Gibson, Angus Malloy, D. McLaurin

State of North Carolina Court of Pleas and Quarter Session Richmond County January Term 1838. The foregoing last will and testament of Isaac Williamson, Sr. deceased, was proven in open court by the oath of Stafford Gipson, a subscribing witness. Thereto ordered to be recorded.
Recorded 1838 in Will Book 2 pg. 74 G. A. Nicholsen, CCC

Last Will & Testament of Cloe Williamson

May 5th 1854. In the name of God amen, I Cloe Williamson of the above named state and county being sound in mind and memory do this day make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows, viz.

First: I will and bequeath unto my son Washington Williamson, Salina Williamson and Miranda (intermarried with George Wright) and the heirs of their body, all the land whereon I now live containing two hundred acres, and to be equally divided amongst said heirs. And I also will and bequeath unto my two daughters Salina Williamson and Miranda Wright and the heirs of their body all my stock of cattle, hogs, horses, household and kitchen furniture and to be equally divided between said heirs.

I furthermore give and bequeath my Negro man Davis to my daughter Salina Williamson during her lifetime and at her death I order and request that the said Negro man Davis be hired out and the proceeds to be equally divided between my son Washington's heirs and the heirs of the body of Miranda Wright and the heirs of the body of my daughter Salina Williamson should she leave any.

I appoint my trust friend Thomas Gibson executor to this my last will and testament to carry out the specifications hereto set forth. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date first written. (Signed) Cloe Williamson.

Attest: Stafford Gibson & John M. Gibson

Last will & Testament of Phebe Williamson of Alabama, Dallas County

Feb. 7th 1889. I Phebe Williamson of the State and County aforesaid hereby make and publish this my last will and testament.

First: I hereby give and bequeath to my beloved husband, Dr. John H. Williamson (who is my trustee) of the state and county aforesaid all my trust estate being in the county of Richmond and state of North Carolina consisting of two thousand acres of land more or less. With all improvements thereon, To him the said John H. Williamson his heirs and assigns to have and to hold forever.

Second: I hereby appoint my said beloved husband and trustee, my executor to carry into affect this my last will and testament. Given under my hand and seal this 7th day of February 1889. Signed Phebe Williamson.

Witnesses: L.Z. Hearst and J.D. Alison, Jr.

The deposition of J. D. Alison, Jr. [of Richmond, Dallas County, Alabama only living witness] concerning the last will and testament of Phebe Williamson was given in the city of Selma, in Dallas County, Alabama on the 16th day of November 1910.

Question #6 Do you know whether or not Phebe Williamson is dead? Answer: Only from hearsay. I am told that she was buried in Carlowville, Dallas County, Alabama on November 8th, 1910. She is said to have died in Rockingham, North Carolina.

Last will & Testament of Salina C. Williamson

March 27th, 1891. In the name of God amen, I Salina C. Williamson of the above state and county, being weak in body, but of sound mind, memory and understanding, praise be God for the same. But considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence do make this my last will and testament in manner following.

First: That my executors herein named shall provide for my body a decent burial, and pay the expenses of same out of my personal property.

Second: I do give my real estate which consists of an undivided interest "of the land upon which I now live on", containing sixty acres. To my beloved nephew P.L. Wright, I give ten acres and to my niece Chloe F. Wright I give ten acres and to my nephew G. Watt Wright I give twenty acres and to my nephew William T. Wright I give twenty acres.

Third: I give and bequeath to my beloved sister Miranda Wright all the personal property of whatever kinds or nature I may own on the place or off the place at the time of my death.

Fourth: I do constitute and appoint William T. Wright sole executor of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void all and every other will or wills at any time made by me, and do declare this to be my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I the said Salina C. Williamson have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 27th day of March AD 1891.

Signed X her mark Salina C. Williamson

Signed and published by the said Salina C. Williamson as her last will and testament in the presence of us by her request as witnesses thereto. J.A. McNeill & J.A. Woodard.

Last Will & Testament of John Hancock Williamson

February 22nd, 1910. I John Hancock Williamson, of the County of Richmond, in the State of North Carolina, do hereby make, publish and declare this my last will and testament, in manner and form following:

First: I direct that all my must debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon after my decease as can conveniently be done.

Second; I give and devise to my niece, Bessie W. Ellis, of the City of Washington, D.C. , the residence in which she now resides, the same being street number 2934, Newark Street, Cleveland Park, Washington, D.C., for her life, with remainder, in fee simple, to her children who may be living at the time of her death. It is my will that said residence shall go to my niece as aforesaid unincumbered (sic), and I direct my executor hereinafter named to pay the debt which I owe on said residence as soon as practicable. I also give and bequeath to said Bessie W. Ellis ten thousand dollars, for her life, with remainder to her children who may be living at the time of her death, and I direct my said executor to invest that sum of money in interest paying bonds, and to deliver them to my said niece who will keep them during her life and use the interest therefrom for her own benefit, and at her death the bonds themselves are to her said children.

Third: I give and bequeath to Maggie A. Lide the sum of then thousand dollars; to Mary A. Lide the sum of then thousand dollars to Emily Lee, of Carlowville, Dallas County, Alabama, the sum of three thousand dollars; to my nephew Arthur N. Williamson, the sum of one thousand dollars; to Erma House, the wife of Rufus Ollin House, of Edgecomb County, North Carolina, the sum of five hundred dollars; to Carrie May Pegues, the wife of Wesley L. Pegues, of Marlborough County, South Carolina, the sum of five hundred dollars; to my nephew, John Scott Williamson, of Fort Worth, Texas, the sum of five hundred dollars; to my friend and attorney, J. R. Satterfield, of Selma, Alabama, the sum of five hundred dollars; to W. J. Evans, who is now in my employ, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars; and to W.S. Forbes, of the City of Richmond, Virginia, the sum of two hundred dollars.

Fourth: I give and bequeath to my nephew, Charles Nathan Williamson, of Fort Worth, Texas, the sum of five hundred dollars, in trust, for his son Donivan Williamson, to be used by my said nephew for the benefit of his said son, and to be paid over to said son whenever my said nephew thinks it proper to do so.

Fifth: I give and bequeath to Maggie A. Lide and Mary A. Lide, or the survivor of them either before or after my death, the sum of two thousand dollars, in trust, for Lide Etheridge, to be used by them, or the survivor of them for the benefit of said Lide Etheridge, and, if any part of this sum remains when he reaches the age of twenty-one years, it is to be paid over to him.

Sixth: I give and bequeath to my wife, Phebe Williamson, the sum of three hundred dollars a year during her life, to be paid to her by my said executor on the first day of January of each year. This with her own means, will be ample for her needs.

Seventh: I give and bequeath to Maggie A. Lide and Mary A. Lide my piano and organ, and all my silver ware, and all my household and kitchen furniture.

Eighth: I give and bequeath to my nephew, Arthur N. Williamson, my hammerless gun; to Lide Etheridge my other gun; and to my grandniece, Virginia Ellis, the guitar that belonged to my deceased daughter.

Ninth: I give and devise to my grandniece, Lizzie Yougene, of Montgomery Alabama, in trust, for herself, her father, her mother, her sisters, and her brother William, the following described lands lying partly in Dallas County, and partly in Lowndes, County, in the State of Alabama, and known as the "Nixon Cox" place, to-wit: the southeast quarter, and the east half of the southwest quarter, and the east half of the northeast quarter, less eight acres north of creek, of section twelve, township thirteen, range eleven; the east half of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, and the east half of the Southeast quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, of section thirteen, township thirteen, range eleven; and the northeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, of section twenty-four, township thirteen, range eleven; lying in Dallas County, Alabama, and containing 792 acres, more or less; and the west half of the southwest quarter less five acres, of section eighteen, township thirteen, range twelve; and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, and the west half of southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, of section nineteen, township thirteen, range twelve; lying in Lowndes County Alabama, and containing 175 acres, more or less. Upon condition, however that said Lizzie Yougene shall pay to my said executor the sum of five thousand dollars, within six months after he shall notify her in writing that all my debts have been paid, but not less that two years after the final probate of my will. Said Lizzie Yougene shall hold, manage and control said lands, or the proceeds thereof, for the benefit of herself and the other beneficiaries, and she shall have the right to mortgage or sell said lands, and make title thereto. This trust shall continue till the youngest beneficiary becomes of age, and then said property shall go to all the beneficiaries, discharged from this trust. If said Lizzie Yougene shall fail to pay said sum of five thousand dollars to my said executor within the time above prescribed, said lands shall fall into my residuary estate.

Ninth: All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, real, personal and mixed, wheresoever situated, of which I may die seized and possessed, or to which I may be entitled at the time of my decease, I be devise and bequeath to John Williamson Lide, in fee simple.

Tenth: Should any of the gifts or bequests made by me in this my last will, lapse or fail, for any reason, I direct that such gifts or bequests so lapsing or failing, shall fall into my residuary estate.

Eleventh: I authorize my executor hereinafter named to sell, either at public or private sale, any or all of my property, real or personal, not herein specifically devised or bequeathed, on such terms and conditions as he may deem best, and to execute, acknowledge and deliver all proper writings, deeds and transfers therefore.

Twelfth: in the event that my estate should prove to be insufficient to pay all the money legacies named in my will, I direct my said executor to pay said money legacies pro rata, except that the annuity left to my wife shall be paid in full.

Thirteenth: if any of the beneficiaries hereunder should, either directly or indirectly, contest this will it is my will that the property herein devised or bequeathed to such beneficiary or beneficiaries so contesting, shall fall into my residuary estate.

Fourteenth: I nominate, constitute and appoint John Williamson Lide executor of this my last will and testament, and I direct that he shall not be required to give bond or security for the proper discharge of his duties.

Fifteenth: My said executor is authorized, in his discretion, to keep my estate together, and to carry on the farming and mercantile business for two years, and he shall not be compelled to pay any legacies till the end of that time.

Sixteenth: I hereby revoke all former wills made by me. In witness whereof, I have signed and sealed and published and declared this instrument as my last will, in Richmond County, North Carolina, on this 22nd day of February, 1910 Signed. John Hancock Williams.

Last Will & Testament of A. C. Williamson

March 23rd, 1914. North Carolina, Richmond County. I, A. C. Williamson of Richmond County and State of North Carolina, being of sound mind, but considering the uncertaintly of my eartly existence, do make and declare this my last will and testament.

First, my executor hereinafter named shall give my body a decent burial, suitable to the wishes of my friends and relations. And pay all burial expence together will all my just debts out of the proceeds or the first money which may come into his hands belonging to my estate.

Second, I give and devise to my nephew, D. J. Williamson the tract of land on which I now reside, containing one hundred acres and to his heirs in fee simple the same being situate in Mineral Springs Township Richmond County and adjoining the lands of A. W. E. Capel, J. L. Panky and J. A. McInnis and lying on Adams' Creek.

Third, I give and bequesth to my nephew D. J. Williamson all my household and kitchen furniture, mule and wagon, provisions and crop which may be growing at the time of my death.

Fourth, I hereby constitute and appoint My nephew D.J. Williamson my lawful executor to all intents and purposes, to execute this my last will and testament to the true intent of the same, hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made. In witness whereof, I the said A. C. Williamson, do hereunto set my hand and seal this 23rd day of March 1914 A. C. Williamson (x his mark)

Signed sealed and declared by the said A. C. Williamson to be his last will and testament in the presence of each other, do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto. J. A. McInnis & J. A. Covington

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