Contributed by Kathleen Haynes      Contact Myrtle Bridges     September 8, 2011

This letter is typewritten on a very elaborate letterhead:
The McNeel Marble Co.
Artistic Marble and Granite 
Monuments, Vaults and Statuary.
The largest and best equipped retail mill south.

R.M. McNeel, President.  E.B. Freyer, Vice President.  M.L. McNeel,  Sec. and Treas.

Marietta, GA.
Spartanburg, S.C.
Cordele, GA.
Columbia, TENN.

R.W. Dodgen, Manager, Spartanburg, S.C.
Apr. 16, 1907.

Frank Tate,
Moganton, N.C.
Dear Sir:-
On my arrival here I inquired of Mr. Dodgen the price of the entire work, which we propose to put up for you, and 
he said that the price he made was $1255.00.  This figure is as low as the work can be done in first class style.  
I trust you will soon make up your mind to favor us with the order, so we can go ahead on it and have it completed 
and erected before the cold weather next winter.
Very truly,
Egbert Beal

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